Source code for pynotify.handlers

from import Iterable

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.functional import cached_property

from .helpers import register
from .models import AdminNotificationTemplate, Notification, NotificationTemplate

[docs]class HandlerMeta(type): """ Registers handler for handling of signal defined in handler's ``Meta``. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): new_class = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) # register only descendants of BaseHandler if bases: if not getattr(new_class, 'Meta', None): raise ImproperlyConfigured('{} must have Meta class defined.'.format(name)) if getattr(new_class.Meta, 'abstract', False): # delete the abstract attribute so it is not inherited by child classes delattr(new_class.Meta, 'abstract') else: if not getattr(new_class, 'Meta', None) or not hasattr(new_class.Meta, 'signal'): raise ImproperlyConfigured('Missing "signal" attribute in {}\'s Meta.'.format(name)) if ( getattr(new_class.Meta, 'allowed_senders', None) and not isinstance(new_class.Meta.allowed_senders, Iterable) ): raise ImproperlyConfigured('{}\'s attribute "allowed_senders" must be iterable.'.format(name)) if new_class.Meta.signal is not None: register( signal=new_class.Meta.signal, handler_class=new_class, allowed_senders=getattr(new_class.Meta, 'allowed_senders', None), ) return new_class
[docs]class BaseHandler(metaclass=HandlerMeta): """ Base class for handling creation of notification(s). Its purpose is to process signal kwargs sent over a defined signal. There should be typically one handler (inherited from this class) for each signal. The handler must define inner class ``Meta`` with following supported attributes: * ``signal``: Signal to which handler will be registered * ``allowed_senders``: Handler will be called only if signal was sent by allowed sender * ``abstract``: If set to True, the handler will not be registered Attributes: dispatcher_classes: An iterable of dispatcher classes that will be used to dispatch each notification. template_slug: Slug of an existing admin template to be used. If not defined, you must define ``get_template_data()`` method. """ dispatcher_classes = () template_slug = None @cached_property def _admin_template(self): template_slug = self.get_template_slug() if template_slug: return AdminNotificationTemplate.objects.get(slug=template_slug) else: return None @cached_property def _template(self): if self._admin_template: template, _ = NotificationTemplate.objects.get_or_create( title=self._admin_template.title, text=self._admin_template.text, trigger_action=self._admin_template.trigger_action, extra_fields=self._admin_template.extra_fields, admin_template=self._admin_template, ) else: template, _ = NotificationTemplate.objects.get_or_create(**self.get_template_data()) return template def _init_dispatchers(self): self.dispatchers = [] for dispatcher_class in set(self.get_dispatcher_classes()): self.dispatchers.append(self._init_dispatcher(dispatcher_class)) def _init_dispatcher(self, dispatcher_class): return dispatcher_class() def _can_create_notification(self, recipient): """ Returns ``True`` if notification can be created for ``recipient``. """ return True def _create_notification(self, recipient): """ Creates notification for ``recipient``. """ if self._can_create_notification(recipient): return Notification.objects.create( recipient=recipient, template=self._template, related_objects=self.get_related_objects(), extra_data=self.get_extra_data(), ) def _can_dispatch_notification(self, notification, dispatcher): """ Returns ``True`` if ``notification`` can be dispatched using ``dispatcher``. """ return True def _dispatch_notification(self, notification, dispatcher): """ Dispatches ``notification`` using ``dispatcher``. """ if self._can_dispatch_notification(notification, dispatcher): dispatcher.dispatch(notification) def _can_handle(self): """ Returns ``True`` if handler should handle creating of notification(s). """ return not self._admin_template or self._admin_template.is_active
[docs] def handle(self, signal_kwargs): """ Handles creation of notifications from ``signal_kwargs``. """ self.signal_kwargs = signal_kwargs notifications = [] if self._can_handle(): self._init_dispatchers() for recipient in self.get_recipients(): notification = self._create_notification(recipient) if notification: for dispatcher in self.dispatchers: self._dispatch_notification(notification, dispatcher) notifications.append(notification) return notifications
[docs] def get_recipients(self): """ Returns an iterable of recipients for which notification will be created. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_template_data(self): """ Returns kwargs used to create a template. Not called if template slug is used. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_extra_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with extra data, the values must be JSON serializable. """ return None
[docs] def get_template_slug(self): """ Returns slug of an admin template to be used. """ return self.template_slug
[docs] def get_dispatcher_classes(self): """ Returns iterable of dispatcher classes used to dispatch notification(s). """ return self.dispatcher_classes