
You can configure the library in Django settings. Following options are available:


    Iterable of Python modules that contain notification handlers. These modules will be imported at startup, i.e. causing notification handlers to be automatically registered. For example, if you have Django app notifications with handlers stored in, the module for autoload will be notifications.handlers.

  • PYNOTIFY_CELERY_TASK (default: pynotify.tasks.notification_task)

    Import path to a Celery task used in asynchronous mode. See Asynchronous operation.

  • PYNOTIFY_ENABLED (default: True)

    Boolean indicating if library functionality, i.e. creating of notifications, is enabled. More specifically, if set to False, receiver will not be called upon signal reception.

  • PYNOTIFY_RECEIVER (default: pynotify.receivers.SynchronousReceiver)

    Import path to a receiver class.

  • PYNOTIFY_RELATED_OBJECTS_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES (default: {'get_absolute_url', })

    A set of related object’s attributes that can be used in notification template(s).

  • PYNOTIFY_STRIP_HTML (default: False)

    If set to True, HTML tags and entities will be stripped off during notification rendering.

  • PYNOTIFY_TEMPLATE_CHECK (default: False)

    Boolean indicating if template string should be checked before rendering. If any named related object or extra data used in the template string is missing, MissingContextVariableError will be raised.


    String that is prepended to any template just before rendering. Can be used to load custom tags/filters.


    Boolean indicating if template string should be translated via gettext() before rendering.