Source code for pynotify.receivers

from pydoc import locate

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db.transaction import on_commit

from .config import settings
from .helpers import get_import_path
from .serializers import ModelSerializer

[docs]class BaseReceiver: """ Base class for receiving signals. Its purpose is to pass signal kwargs to the notification handler. """ def __init__(self, handler_class): self.handler_class = handler_class
[docs] def receive(self, signal_kwargs): """ This method should implement passing ``signal_kwargs`` to the handler. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class SynchronousReceiver(BaseReceiver): """ Signal receiver that calls notification handler synchronously. """ def __init__(self, handler_class): super().__init__(handler_class) self.handler = self.handler_class()
[docs] def receive(self, signal_kwargs): self.handler.handle(signal_kwargs)
[docs]class AsynchronousReceiver(BaseReceiver): """ Signal receiver that calls notification handler asynchronously via Celery. """ def __init__(self, handler_class): super().__init__(handler_class) self.serializer_class = ModelSerializer self.celery_task = self._get_celery_task() def _get_celery_task(self): celery_task = settings.CELERY_TASK if not celery_task: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'CELERY_TASK setting must be set when using {}.'.format(self.__class__.__name__) ) return locate(celery_task)
[docs] def receive(self, signal_kwargs): # Call of the Celery task should be performed after current DB transaction is commited to avoid race condition, # e.g. accessing referenced object in the task before it has finished saving into DB. on_commit(lambda: self.celery_task.delay( get_import_path(self.handler_class), get_import_path(self.serializer_class), self.serializer_class().serialize(signal_kwargs), ))