Source code for pynotify.helpers

from importlib import import_module
import logging
from pydoc import locate

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from .config import settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SecureRelatedObject: """ Security proxy class allowing to access only string representation of the related object and a set of attributes defined in `RELATED_OBJECTS_ALLOWED_ATTRS` settings. """ def __init__(self, related_object): self._object = related_object def __getattr__(self, name): if name in settings.RELATED_OBJECTS_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES: return getattr(self._object, name) else: raise AttributeError('Attribute "{}" is not allowed to be accessed on related object.'.format(name)) def __str__(self): return self._object.__str__()
[docs]class DeletedRelatedObject: """ Placeholder class that substitutes deleted related object and returns: * "[DELETED]" as its string representation * itself for any attribute accessed """ def __getattr__(self, name): return self def __str__(self): return _('[DELETED]')
[docs]class SignalMap: """ Maps signals to arbitrary values. """ def __init__(self): = {} def add(self, signal, value): if signal not in[signal] = [value] else:[signal].append(value) def get(self, signal): return, []) def remove(self, signal): if signal in del[signal]
signal_map = SignalMap()
[docs]def register(signal, handler_class, allowed_senders=None): """ Starts listening to ``signal`` and registers ``handler_class`` to it. """ signal_map.add(signal, (handler_class, allowed_senders)) signal.connect(receive, dispatch_uid='pynotify')
[docs]def receive(sender, **kwargs): """ Initiates processing of the signal by notification handlers through a receiver. """ if not settings.ENABLED: return signal = kwargs.pop('signal') receiver_class = locate(settings.RECEIVER) if not receiver_class: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Unable to locate receiver class {}'.format(settings.RECEIVER)) for handler_class, allowed_senders in signal_map.get(signal): if allowed_senders and sender not in allowed_senders: continue receiver_class(handler_class).receive(kwargs)
[docs]def autoload(): """ Attempts to load (import) notification handlers from modules defined in ``PYNOTIFY_AUTOLOAD_MODULES`` """ modules = settings.AUTOLOAD_MODULES if modules: for module in modules: try: import_module(module) except ImportError: logger.exception('Failed to autoload notification handlers from module {}'.format(module))
[docs]def process_task(handler_class, serializer_class, signal_kwargs): """ Deserializes signal kwargs using the given serializer and calls given handler. This function is intended to be called from a Celery task. """ handler_class = locate(handler_class) serializer_class = locate(serializer_class) signal_kwargs = serializer_class().deserialize(signal_kwargs) handler_class().handle(signal_kwargs)
[docs]def get_import_path(_class): """ Returns import path for a given class. """ return '{}.{}'.format(_class.__module__, _class.__name__)
[docs]def get_from_context(variable, context): """ Tries to find `variable` value in given `context`. Args: variable: Variable to look for. Template format is supported (e.g. "abc.def.ghi"). context: Template context. Returns: Variable value or None if not found. """ value = context for chunk in variable.split('.'): try: value = getattr(value, chunk) except AttributeError: try: value = value.get(chunk) except AttributeError: return None if value is None: return None return value
[docs]def strip_html(value): """ Strips HTML (tags and entities) from string `value`. """ # The space is added to remove BS warnings because value "" # will be considered as URL not as string in BS. The space will be removed with get_text method. return BeautifulSoup(' ' + value, 'lxml').get_text()